hello world!


Hello there!
I'm Alok Prateek, a full-stack web developer and graphic designer.

Send all your mails at my brand new id i@alokprateek.in

I enjoy turning less ordinary problems into simple, beautiful and intuitive designs, that is delight to the user. When I'm not coding or pushing pixels, you could find me taking my dog, Zoe for a walk in the park. I also play an addictive game - Marvel Contest of the Champions whenever I'm free.

I am born and brought up in Noida, and completed my schooling from Delhi Public School. It provided me great exposure and helped me excel in my field of interest. I always loved the idea of connecting known facts and recalling them, which made a great quizzer. I helped my school team to win many a times in quizzes and conducted dozens. An effort for which my school made me President of Quiz Society. I developed a keen interest in web and graphic designing early on. An experience which helped me craft many posters and websites for school events. I also have a fair knowledge of German language, which I have studied until B2 Level.

Currently, I am actively looking for full-time development role. I just finished pursuing an engineering course in Information Technology. I'm also developed a keen interest in openAPI and creating a cool project based on that. My future plans include pursuing research in developing AI powered user interfaces. And perhaps a trip to Antarctica before the glaciers melt or the penguins migrate.

I unfortunenately have redesigned my blog eleventh time over, but could never take time out for writing, but do surely have a look at my empty blog...

Read My Blog

I've decided to solve this problem of empty blog by bringing in content from social media via API's, this is surely be a task for June'19.

  My Skills and Offer

I am a full-stack web developer with over ten years of experience.

I have maintained, developed and launched multiple projects from scratch. I carried out branding, the design of UI/UX, and the development of its back-end and front-end codebases.

My current toolset includes node, React, Vue, TypeScript, PWA's, Express Framework and all the other various frameworks, libraries and technologies related to them.

I also used to work on websites using PHP codebases and running on Apache/NGINX servers. I used popular framework Drupal and WordPress. I can still do smaller projects using these, if you really want me to.

Currently I'm learning Dart and Flutter, Google Cloud Anthos. OpenAPI has piqued my interest and I'm currently contributing to several open source solutions related to it.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I can help you in your project with everything from the branding, design, UI mock-ups, back-end and front-end web development. I can also fix the design and upgrade older code bases. I can also install & configure the application on staging/production environments.

Call me a Swiss Army Knife in terms of web development.

Curriculum Vitae

Front-end Web development

I specialize in applications written in both React or Vue. Recently, I became a huge fan of one-way data flow and Redux-like architecture, also typed languages like TypeScript.

My current experience and skills in front-end include:

  • Creating beautiful interfaces using only CSS. I can also convert existing animations to CSS to reduce rendering load;
  • TypeScript/JavaScript development: bootstrapping or refactoring an existing app architecture, by improving its extensibility and reliability;
  • Full integration of front-end development using tools like Webpack to support features like automatic code reload, code minifications, multiple environment support;
  • Good sense of design and UX, which came naturally as I have a considerable experience in graphic design;
  • Knowledge and experience in many libraries of JS ecosystem like React, Redux, RxJS, Angular, Ionic Framework, Backbone, jQuery, Lodash/Underscore and whatever else that possibly be necessary;
  • Desktop app development using Electron Framework;
  • ... and even mobile app development with the use of Ionic Framework.
    With these, I can build a working native application for iOS and Android (both at once!) in JavaScript in less than month.

Back-end Web development

In back-end development, my current stack involves NodeJS and Express Framework, or as alternates Meteor or Total.JS

To improve the development speed, performance and reliability, I have changed languages and frameworks already multiple times, from PHP to Ruby and now to node.js.

Luckily, my experience and lessons I learned while doing all those projects, will stay with me and be useful forever, no matter what framework I will use in the next project;

What I can do is:

  • lead development of web apps in node.js/PHP;
  • cooperation with APIs, remote data synchronizations, cloud servers, asynchronous workers;
  • using different types of databases (like PostgreSQL, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Redis);
  • dividing the servers into different machine nodes / docker containers; database sharding; load balancing;
  • I can refactor existing applications, by improving code readability, separating concerns into separate functions and classes, splitting out the business logic from app's views and controllers (DDD), and moving the app architecture into more event-based one;
  • writing unit, e2e and integration tests;

What about dev-ops & UI ?

During my time I have built and released tens of websites.

Thus, not only I have coded their back-end and front-end code, but often I also had to care about other things needed in a successful web application:

Design, Illustration & Branding

Any successful project needs strong brand identity and beautiful but usable designs.

Thus, I have keen focus on the design, UI and branding of the project:

  • Good eye for clean and beautiful designs and knowing how it affects the user;
  • I have a high level of proficiency with design and illustration applications like: Adobe Photoshop™, Adobe Illustrator™, and Corel Draw Graphics Suite™;
  • I also have good drawing skills and coloring sense. I know how to use a tablet and could make illustrations and iconography for you too;
  • I've designed numerous posters, banners, logos for my school and university events. As well as some other advertising and branding material for some local food joints. In past two years, I've often chucked my games to make space for design files on my HDD.

  A Few Accomplishments

Over the years I've hit my head on every wall and learned many ways of doing things. I've designed these projects over course of many tireless days and sleepless nights. Each project was a challenge and I learned something new with each iteration. Some allowed me to experiment with the latest and greatest the tech offers, which taught me well. My special thanks to my father for his perseverance during all those years.

  Send Me a Pigeon

I'm currently available for work.

If you have a project that you'd like to discuss, then please contact me via the form below or write to me at i@alokprateek.in.
If you'd like to talk about anything else you can find me on social networks (Actually I'm on many, but I do not use all of them). A good ol' fashioned mail is always welcome, because I like reading and writing long mails as I do not have much time for writing shorter replies.

Of course I do not always work alone. If you already have an existing team for your project, but still need someone to help it, contact me. I’ll fit into your needs.

Hey Alok!

. , , . to discuss further.


Social Presence

You can contact me or view my presence on the following social platforms

Alok Prateek