Like many other web sites owners, I use Google Analytics on this site.
Google Analytics is a piece of software provided by Google that records various data about visitors (you) to this site.
What does Google Analytics record?
I use Google Analytics to collect non-personal data to answer questions such as:
- What kind of browser & operating system you visited the site on?
- How long you stay on the site?
- What pages on the site you visit?
- What area of the world you are located in?
How is this data is used?
The data gathered allow me to better understand the visitors to this site and how it is viewed, this allows me to make better decisions about the site and any future additions to it.
Occasionally we will compile aggregate statistics on various usage and/or user metrics for the site. No personally identifying data is included in this type of reporting.
None of the data gathered through Google Analytics is shared with any 3rd party.
All of our activity falls within the bounds of the Google Analytics Terms of Service.
How to opt out of tracking
You can opt out of the tracking conducted by Google Analytics by using the browser plugin provided by Google that prevents your data from being used by Google Analytics.